Dresden University of Fine Arts

Dresden University of Fine Arts
Founded in 1764 as the “Main Art Academy”, Dresden University of Fine Arts was the first training centre for fine arts in Saxony. Since that time, eminent teachers have passed on their knowledge to students, and continue to do so to this day. The artistic works of teachers and graduates alike have been held in high international esteem since the founding period.
The eye-catching golden statue of the goddess Fama stands on top of the main building on the famous Brühl’s Terrace. This building houses just some of the academy’s spacious studios and workshops. There are regular exhibitions open to the public, particularly in the Oktogon, a unique presentation space, including the diploma and annual exhibitions in summer.
The fine arts, restoration, and stage setting and costume design programmes all culminate in a diploma after five years. Until then, you will receive input for your own artistic work in over 23 very well-equipped artistic workshops, in fields such as art theory, theatre history, and philosophy and from numerous inspiring guests from Germany and abroad. International projects are highly valued and, in addition to artistic self-development, the study programmes also seek to promote the reflective ability for collaborative, cross-disciplinary contemporary practice and social networking.
Another option is the four-year university degree programme in theatre design, the only one of its kind in Europe. This allows you to specialize in scenic painting, theatre sculpture, makeup, or costume design. The Laboratory Theatre allows students to engage in experimental practice that prepares them for their future careers. The postgraduate programme in art therapy is the only programme of its kind to offer a state university diploma.
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