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to Dresden


TU Dresden

“Knowledge for life” is the motto of TU Dresden. It has also been one of the eleven German Universities of Excellence since 2012. With its 17 faculties, TUD offers a very broad range of subjects: You…

Dresden College of Music

With roots dating back to 1856, Dresden College of Music is best known for its teaching in orchestral music, vocal performance and, since 1962, jazz/rock/pop. 699 students are currently enrolled, with…

Dresden University of Fine Arts

Founded in 1764 as the “Main Art Academy”, Dresden University of Fine Arts was the first training centre for fine arts in Saxony. Since that time, eminent teachers have passed on their knowledge to…

Palucca University of Dance Dresden

The Palucca University of Dance Dresden (PHfT) is Germany's only independent university for dance. With its integrated secondary school and a boarding school associated with the university, it…

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden

“Achieve more practically” — This is how the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden encapsulates what it is all about. And it’s true: Students get a lot of practical experience and work in…

University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing Dresden

If you want to work with people, the EHS University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing is the place for you: You can choose between 11 interdisciplinary, practice-oriented…

DHSN University of Cooperative Education Dresden

The DHSN University of Cooperative Education Dresden is located in Johannstadt and, together with the Evangelical University of Social Work (ehs Dresden), the Academy of Fine Arts (HfBK), and the…