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Chemnitz University of Technology

Chemnitz University of Technology

When it was founded as the “Königliche Gewerbschule” in 1836, today’s Chemnitz University of Technology was nowhere near as big as it is now. Almost 8,500 students from around 90 countries now study and research here, making the university a real powerhouse for the region.

At the third largest university in Saxony, everything is focused on three major core competencies: “Materials and Intelligent Systems”, “Resource-efficient Production and Lightweight Construction,” and “People and Technology”. Progressive, sustainable solutions with great benefits for many are in demand.

Some of the almost 100 degree programmes are only available here. The recently introduced master’s programme in semiotics and multimodal communication, for example, is unique in Germany: How are speech and gestures connected in everyday life? How are language and image linked in the media, on the web, in computer games, and in virtual reality? These are all questions to which answers are being sought at Chemnitz University of Technology.
Things are all very practical at the start-up network SAXEED at TU Chemnitz: If you want to start your own business after graduation, this is where you'll find tips, funding opportunities, and first-class contacts.

The fact that around 200 start-ups and over 900 jobs have been created here since 2002 is proof of its success. TU Chemnitz does not have its reputation as a start-up university for nothing. What’s more, the University of Technology works with 120 partner institutions on all continents.
study courses
faculties & 1 centre of teacher education